“You belong to the surface of the lake blown over by the light winds, while I suffer in a world without you."


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Profile: Voicelines

Name: Hong
Age: 500+ (much older, if you include his "past life")
Birthday: October 17th.
Khaenri'ah (formerly)
The Abyss Order (formerly)
Inhuman. A mirror image. A failed attempt as a tool, without hope of ever measuring up. Brought into being with the efforts of the abyss order, He was made to mirror Xiao's own purpose as a weapon of war. After having failed, he was cast into the abyss.
Despite sharing many physical similarities with Xiao, he has long since become stained and corrupted, having forced to sustain himself on the many creatures that dwell in the depths.

Warnings: Dead dove, do not eat; mentions and descriptive content for Cannibalism, body horror, trauma, mental illness, slight self harm may occur.DNI: Problematic or rude people, personal accounts. Harrass me for shipping (zx,hongxiao,ZhongHong 🔄) Only lewd focus, transphobic/homophobic/racist, minor muses or muns(sorry these things make me uncomfortable.)

As a somewhat abyssal creature, Hong's nature is unpredictable. He only regards this "body" as a sort of cover, granted to him by his tormentors. There are a variety of needle marks adorning the skin beneath his gloves. Behind his ears, soft, downy tufts of brightly colored plumage.The base of his neck and between the shoulders is considered a weak spot. A forever festering "wound". It is raw, open skin, painful to the touch. This may be why he doesn't enjoy wearing shirts. Though now, it is a healing scar, until the time comes. His canines appear much bigger, quite visible when he talks. His vision is fake. No elemental power, but a strange abyssal energy dwells within him. He is no weaker than Xiao; with a matched strength, albeit through different means. His Illuminated beast is a luan.I write him as ftm, afab, and he uses he/him or they/them. No bottom or top surgery.
Any disrespectful remarks will result in a hard block. I have no tolerance for bigotry here.
PersonalityHe is overall friendly. He has a lack of personal space and an overall cheery demeanor. However, he holds extreme hatred towards the archons. He has BPD and PTSD. Being created as a mirror image of xiao, somewhere in his heart there is a fondness burning for the whole of teyvat and its people. He adores Xiao, feeling the need to seek his approval. He struggles with permanent agony and mental anguish, having been in the depths for so long left him with an insatiable taste for blood. He struggles with the craving for bloodshed left to him by the abyss to the point of agony. Hong remembers very little about his past aside from the language of the abyss, and fluent khaenriahn. His body is quite actively dying; originally made as a tool for war, he was not made to last this long. Despite this, he keeps his own woes behind closed doors.Hong enjoys making mischief, teasing, and causing the local law enforcement the most stress possible. He fears large bodies of water, having witnessed many a hilichurl sink into the depths, dying only to be reborn over and over again.He fears the dark, reminding him of his days alone at the very bottom of the abyss. He may come off a little snarky if you rub him the wrong way.Note; Hong is aware of the existence of archons. He only vaguely remembers what Morax looks like. Nothing else. If you wish to reveal to him that your muse is an archon, that is completely up to you.

I don't mind shipping with any adult characters. Zhongli, Xiao, travelers, ect. platonic ships are also welcome. I will not accept any harrassment because I ship two unrelated consenting adults. Your headcanon is not canon.Shipping with chem, Multiship. Each ship will take place in a different "verse". I adore polycules as well. ♡Hong is bisexual with no lean; gender does not matter to him. If your personality strikes his fancy, he will be more than happy to fawn over you. However, it is difficult for him to accept those feelings in return. He may become distrustful or angry if someone were to have genuine feelings towards him. He is quite flirtatious and likes to get under people's skin so they do not have a chance to form neutral/good feelings towards him.He is someone who is much more used to giving than receiving; despite being inhuman, he tries his best to be good. He does not mind switching, and his priority is the happiness of his partner.I adore platonic/Queerplatonic relationships very much. He is just a little flirt.

♡ Cred: @/xiao00417 ♡

𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙜 - 𝘈𝘣𝘺𝘴𝘴 𝘋𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵; Rarity - 5 StarsHailing from the Abyss and beyond has left this entity with quite a battle-thirsty temper. Skilled with the blade, he is merciless towards those who cloud his ambitions.Normal attack: Frigid FissurePerforms up to six rapid strikes with his sword.Charged attack: Frigid FissureUnleashes a strong flurry of attacks with his blade, consuming a set amount of stamina.Plunging attack: Frigid FissurePlunges to the ground, dealing aoe physical dmg.Elemental skill: Abyssal MayhemYou will hear the cries of those ignored and left to rot. They will flourish anew, like an enraged rose threatening to bloom.Chthonic appendages rage in a thirst for blood in a set radius around him, dealing Abyssal DMG upon impact. Performing normal or charged attacks will cause these calamitous appendages to run rampant in a fixed radius for a set amount of time.Elemental Burst: Rite of PartingI will leave this world in ruin, just as it has ruined me.Tearing through raw skin , he unleashes the undying fury of the depths. The blood he sheds is not shed in waste as creatures of the Abyss surge towards their prey, dragging it back into the depths below.This action creates a sort of portal, granting passage from the very bottom of the abyss. During this, he will lose HP until the duration ends or he is switched off the field.Passive: Friend or Foe?When this character is in your party, certain enemies will not attack you.This only applies to smaller enemies like Hilichurls, Abyss mages, Whopperflowers, Samachurls, Mitachurls, Lawachurls, and certain automatons.Does not affect large enemies such as overworld bosses, weekly bosses, Fatuus, Eremites, and Treasure hoarders.Ever since stepping foot in teyvat, he has not drawn his sword, and relies on his hand-to-hand combat instead. He fears losing control of himself if he were to draw his sword.

You can call me Rei or Hong mun. :)23 years old as of early 2023.
I use he/they pronouns. They're interchangeable, so feel free to use both.
Semi descriptive - descriptive roleplay. I try to mirror my partner's style.
friendly mun :>
I have bpd.
Personal interp - I've spent over a year fleshing out his character.
12+ years of rp experience.
Bug me for a reply; I take writing seriously, and don't like to be rushed.
I am shy. Please be patient with me.I don't like discourse. Please don't involve me in it. I rp to flesh out my writing skills and relax. It is a hobby.I refuse to rp with minor muns or muses.

Hello:I guess you can call me Hong. Hm..Where I'm from? Hehe. Wouldn't you like to know?Chat: TirednessI'm not tired, why do you ask?Oh…I zoned out?
It's nothing. Want to keep going?
Chat: HumansI have no qualms about fighting humans, so I won't hesitate at all. Don't get in my way.Idle 1; A blossomed leyline sprouts from the ground and he perches himself upon it, staring smugly at the viewer with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Laughs/giggles softly before descending to the ground, the leyline disappearing in a wisp of red.Idle 2: He kneels, cooing at something offscreen- opening his arms, a rifthound flies over and curls around his shoulders for some good pets. He bids it goodbye with a giggle after a soft peck on its snout.When it rains:Fearful We should move quickly, I don't want to be out here any longer than necessary….okay?Note: hilichurls and other mobs drown in bodies of water that are too deep. He's probably seen it happen many times or possibly (probably) experienced it himself.When thunder strikes:Let's get out of here.When it snows:What is this? It's so cold…Good morning:Hey! It's about time you woke up- but also a shame. I wanted to eat your breakfast, hehe.This is a lie. He cannot digest human food very well- it will damage his stomach.Good afternoon:A restaurant? I don't have any mora, but you can go ahead and eat. I can keep you company…if you want.Good evening:I'll stay by the fire if we're going to sleep outside.He is fearful of the dark, due to the darkness he experienced in the depths of the abyss.Good night:You going to sleep? Okay… I'll keep watch!He rarely sleeps. The feeling of vulnerability is too much for him to handle.About Hong: InhumanMe? I'm not really human.. well, anymore…Anyways, what do you say? Do I look pretty convincing?About Hong: The AbyssThat place. Why do you want to know? It doesn't concern you….does it?About us: Strictly businessI'm not really here to be your friend. And you're not here to be mine. We both have things we want in the end, so don't even try becoming buddy buddy with me, tough guy.About us: TrustTrust? You? No. Sorry to burst your bubble. This world has been cruel. The archons… nevermind.About us: LearningMy journey accompanying you has not been a fruitless experience. Non-hostile humans are interesting creatures. I want to learn more… so I can understand.About us: FamilyYou've been looking for your sister?
It sounds like she doesn't even want to be found. My family..? I don't have one.
About the vision:This? It is fake. As if I'd allow any gifts from the divine to be bestowed upon me.Something to share:I'm surprised I have not scared you off. Isn't it dangerous for normal people to deal with abyssal creatures? One look and they're usually turning on their heels to make a break for it.Interesting things:[Unlocked at friendship level 4]About Xiao: confusionHuh? You think we look alike? He's cute, so of course I'll take that as a complimentAs for mistaking us for one another, be careful next time; I am not as much of a hero as he is- mistaking him for me would be troublesome on his part.About Xiao: admirationHe's really saved so many people, huh? I want to be like that someday.
But..given my nature, it just isn't possible.
About Zhongli:You're asking me about Zhongli? I would have thought you would have already been well acquainted. He certainly is more than he seems.Oh? Does it sound like I'm threatening you? Heh..More about Hong I:I know a thing or two about dancing. It is one of the few things I remember....you wish to see me dance? Heh. Dream on.More about Hong II:My relationship to the abyss and my 'homeland' are like a red thread that cannot be severed. My fate was set from the moment I was brought into the world amidst the chaos.More about Hong III:Tiredness? I have always felt this way. It is a price to pay after years of torture..and after years in the abyss. I have learned to live with it.More about Hong :Are you asking if I have a "monster" form? I ought to smack you in the head. (Pouting)To answer your question; it is something that should never be seen in a world like this.Hong's Hobbies:Things I like to do? Hehehe..
Sometimes before night falls, I enter the city covered in gunk. You should see the way the citizens run away.
What was I doing to be covered in such gunk you ask….?I'd like to know what you think I was doing.Hong's troubles:My troubles? Let me see… I want to understand humans more. And also, stop smacking those hilichurls around! Or I'm gonna smack you.Favorite food: I can't really eat the same stuff as humans. But I enjoy trying new drinks.Least favorite food: Sometimes I am offered sweets when I am out and about. Whether it's because I look young or they are confusing me for the Vigilant Yaksha; I can never bring myself to reject these acts of kindness…Receiving a gift: IThis..does not taste horrible. I think I can eat it. Thank you.Receiving a gift: IINot hungry. mumbling definitely not for whatever that is…Receiving a gift: IIII'd rather eat rocks. Are you trying to kill me?Birthday:
Feelings about Ascension: IntroNow we're getting somewhere.Feelings about ascension: Building upI feel stronger already. Wanna spar with me? Hehe, I'm kidding.Feelings about ascension: climaxNothing can hold me back now- I won't stop going.Feelings of ascension: conclusionLet's just hope you've made the right choice.Elemental Skill: IGive up!Elemental Skill: IIGet out of my way!Elemental Skill: IIIYou're dead.Elemental Burst: ILet's settle the score then, shall we?Elemental Burst: IIRelinquish.Elemental Burst: IIIThis world lay in ruin.Opening Treasure Chest: IOoh, I'll take it!Opening Treasure Chest: IIWhat a bunch of junk.Opening Treasure Chest: IIIThere's my half.. and my half!Low HP: IA minor setback.Low HP: III refuse to retreat!Low HP: IIIUgh.. I feel dizzy.Ally at Low HP: ILet me handle this.Ally at Low HP: IIFall back!Ally at Low HP: IIIYou're slowing us down.Fallen: IMy ambitions… shattered..Fallen: III still seek.. the truth..Fallen: IIII'm not ready…Light Hit Taken: IQuit it!Heavy Hit Taken: IYou'll pay for that!Joining Party: IHi hi you called?Joining Party: IIWhat is it this time~?Joining Party: IIILet's get going.